Other events
In the 17 years of its existence, the Bled Strategic Forum has become more than just a once-a-year international conference. The events held by the Bled Strategic Forum or under its auspices take place through the entire year.
It is our hope that the Forum will continue to grow, evolve into a year-round platform and influence various policy agendas and solutions of tomorrow.
In the framework of the BSF two annual international conferences organised by the Slovenian Ministry of Foreign Affairs are already taking place: LAC days and Africa Days.
LAC Days
Since 2018, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Slovenia, within the Bled Strategic Forum, has been organizing Latin American and Caribbean Days international conference (“LAC Days”), aimed at strengthening bilateral and biregional cooperation with the countries of Latin America and the Caribbean. The LAC Days also foster mutual understanding and cooperation among businesses, institutions and public from both sides.
Africa Day
Africa Day is an international conference that has been organised annually since 2012 by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Slovenia in partnership with the London-based Chatham House and the European Commission. The conference is organised in the framework of the Bled Strategic Forum.
Its aim is to enhance bilateral ties between Slovenia and African countries, with particular emphasis on strengthening political, economic and cultural cooperation. It is attended by high representatives of governments, international and regional organisations, private sector, civil society, think tanks and academia from Africa, Europe and Slovenia, in particular.